Wednesday 24 October 2018

Reazjoni għal-Baġit 2019 | Agrikoltura

Il-Fondazjoni MaYA tesprimi diżappunt rigward in-nuqqas ta' nteress tal-gvern lejn is-settur tal-Agrikoltura fil-Baġit 2019.

Għat-tieni sena konsekutiva il-Fondazjoni MaYA preżentat proposta għas-settur tal-agrikoltura, permezz tal-Kumitat tas-Soċjeta Ċivili fi ħdan l-MCESD.

Il-proposta kienet tirrigwarda tax credits għal-kumpaniji fis-settur tal-ikel li jagħżlu prodott lokali. Il-kumpaniji fil-catering u hotels b'hekk ikollhom incentiv li jagħżlu l-prodott lokali u jkunu eliġibli li jifrankaw taxxa fuq id-dħul tagħhom.

Din il-proposta ma ġietx inkluża fil-Baġit 2018, u l-bdiewa u r-raħħala Maltin tilfu opportunita' oħra fejn jidħol konsum ta' prodott imkabbar, imrobbi jew proċessat Malta.

Fondazjoni MaYA


Kumitat Soċjeta Ċivili

Tuesday 14 August 2018

MaYA Foundation categorically denies reports of a 'victory for Ġbejna producers'

Following articles relating to the legislation that will reform the hygiene of foodstuffs in Malta, particularly the Ġbejna, the MaYA Foundation an organisation which looks out for the interests of young farmers, is denying that an agreement has been reached with small-scale Ġbejna producers.

The reports, published on Sunday 12th August 2018, were a reaction to an opinion blog published three days prior by local agronomist Ms. Jeanette Borg, who is also the founder of the MaYA foundation, claiming that the fate of the Ġbejna is at stake.

In the Sunday articles, an unnamed ‘government source’ seems to be trying to justify details within the current draft legal notice, making it seem as if the legislation is already implemented. The articles were also intended to sway public opinion into thinking that the Ġbejna is saved, when in actual fact some criteria within the draft legal notice would bring about a collapse in the production of this local product.

Former president of the Xirka tal-Produtturi tan-Nagħaġ u l-Mogħoż, Mr. Publius Falzon confirmed that the organisation has been in discussion with local authorities regarding this legal notice since 2012, and not merely for the past months as the government source reported. The general secretary of the same organisation, Mr. Jason Vella, also noted that some very important details revealed in the articles were never mentioned on the negotiation table.

The MaYA Foundation is calling on authorities to discuss in further detail the draft legislation before presenting it for a vote in front of members of parliament.

Friday 30 March 2018

National Agricultural Policy for Malta - Feedback from MaYA Foundation

Following the launch of a public consultation from the Ministry for the Environment, Sustainable Development and Climate Change, feedback has been submitted on behalf of the Malta Youth in Agriculture Foundation.

National Agricultural Policy for the Maltese Islands 2018 - 2028.pdfMaYA Feedback

National Agricultural Policy for the Maltese Islands 2018 - 2028.pdfNational Agricultural Policy for the Maltese Islands 2018 - 2028.pdf 

An Overview of National Agricultural Policy for the Maltese Islands 2018 – 2028.pdfAn Overview of National Agricultural Policy for the Maltese Islands 2018 – 2028.pdf

Photo by Mauro Caruana taken in Xagħra

Saturday 13 January 2018

Kif insaħħu l-ħamrija tagħna

Join us for a free info session on Friday 16th February at MCAST Centre of Agriculture, Aquatics & Animal Sciences, Triq Ħal Luqa, Qormi.

This is an informal event where we get to discuss and explore soil fertility in the Maltese Islands. It's also an occasion to meet people within the agriculture industry and share knowledge about current issues.

How to improve our soils | Kif insaħħu l-ħamrija tagħna

  • Friday the 16th of February 2018
  • Venue: MCAST Centre of Agriculture, Aquatics & Animal Sciences, Triq Ħal Luqa, Qormi
  • Session in Maltese

  • 17.15hrs Registration
  • 17.30hrs Information Session
  • 19.30hrs Networking 

The event is free of charge but places are limited. Register below to reserve your place. 
Data may be used to keep in touch with registered attendees.

The MaYA Foundation seeks to include ALL persons who have a genuine interest in local agriculture; producers, both hobbyists & professionals, policy-makers, processors, supply-chain managers, entrepreneurs etc. So feel free to invite more friends and partners to register for the event.